
Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Punchline

Alright as promised here is Cookie's joke in its entirety:

What does a plant do when it needs to go the the bathroom?

It soils itself!

Told you it was funny :D

Friday, September 7, 2012

Kids Say The Darndest Things

Lately, Cookie Cookie has been reading a lot of silly jokes that pop up during her online reading lessons. She regales us with all sorts of plays on words on a daily basis. Today during her Science lesson about plants she came up with one of her own that I thought was simply hilarious, especially coming form a 6 year old. She said, "What does a plant do when it needs to go to the bathroom?"

 Honestly, I thought the answer/punch line was going to be nonsensical as many of her made up jokes are, but this one was spot on and very funny. It makes me happy on top of it all that she is starting to understand the nuances, oddities and some of the more innocent double entendres in the English language.

 Ready? *
 I promise you will laugh :D.
You are going to hate me for this ;), but I want to know how you would answer this question before I tell you her punchline. Please leave your silliest answer in the comments. Come back tomorrow and I'll tell you what Cookie Cookie had to say.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

K5 Learning Program Review Announcement

I posted this a couple of months ago and have not been able to incorporate it into out daily routine. Thankfully, K5 sent me a very timely reminder. It could not have come at a better time. Cookie is at a point in her school year where she is going to complete all her classes early, but we can't just knock off and say we are done. Since she participates in a public online virtual school she is still required to be in attendance until the end of the year. K5 will definitely help fill some of that time.


K5 Learning has an online reading and math program for kindergarten to grade 5 students. I've been given a 6 week free trial to test and write a review of their program. If you are a blogger, you may want to check out their open invitation to write an online learning review of their program.

Friday, April 13, 2012 and The Ultimate Baby Shower Present the Rainy Day Facebook Frenzy

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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Signup to Participate in a NO COST Blogger Giveaway

For all bloggers who would like to participate in this Rafflecopter giveaway, at NO COST, please visit Ultimate Baby Shower for signup. Share a wonderful giveaway with your readers and reap the benefits of expanding your reader base as well.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Dealing with Tantrums and your Toddler

Dealing with Tantrums and your Toddler

Finally! A parent that feels the same way I do about tantrums. My girls are so very different from each other. My oldest is eager to please and very mindful. My youngest is self-willed, stubborn and will push the envelope constantly. It is a struggle to get past the nagging, whining and all out tantrums of our youngest. Time outs have become my new best friend because she HATES them. She always comes out smiling and apologetic. Hopefully it will finally get through to her that the smiling and happy girl is what we need her to be ALL the time.

I've noticed that the tantrums don't happen at home very often, but when we are among friends and when people drop in at the house. All of a sudden she wants mommy and she is not quiet about it. I KNOW she is a manipulator. She knows that she will not get the attention from me she is seeking if she throws a fit, but inevitably someone will come over to her and ask her, "What's wrong little one?" Oh how I wish I could tell them to take a hike. You are only giving her exactly what she wants - to be the center of attention. What she does is freaks out even more vociferously with the crying and yelling (no kicking, thank goodness) in an effort to force me to acquiesce.

Toddler-Tailored Workouts

Toddler-Tailored Workouts

More toddler tailored workouts from Quality Health. The ideas in this article are very similar to the previous with the added benefit or suggestion of reinforcing the exercise with playful music and reading activities. As with anything making the subject run the course of the day will make a super impact on the little growing minds of our toddlers.

It's all to easy to let the television be the babysitter, but we have to take responsibility for our children's development - intellectually, emotionally, and physically. Looking at my little one I see that in body type and shape she is my carbon copy. Right now I am very overweight and struggling to get that weight off. I know that if I don't start emphasizing the importance of exercise now to both my girls they are going to have very difficult teenage and early adulthood years struggling with body image. I have to continually remind my oldest that though she is not as "padded" as her baby sister she should never, never, never, ever call her fat or chubby. We don't want to bring negative attention to something she only has partial control over. If she is anything like me she will never be dainty and svelt, but curvaceous and strong. She and I have to work together to form a healthy relationship with the body type we have inherited and find the best way to work with it.

Daily I try to emphasize how healthy foods like fruits and vegetables are good for you and help you grow big and strong. We need to eat our proteins so that our muscles, bones and brains grow. That sweets are OK in small portions and not very frequently because if we eat too much our teeth will go bad and it puts us in a really bad mood (believe me it does). Don't get me wrong, we have lapses in our (my) will-power and we'll make cookies, cake, muffins or cupcakes (not all at once :-P). I just don't want that to be a running theme in our house like it was in my grandmother's house and even in my own growing up even though I had a mother who could not eat sugar. My dad could and he ate it to reckless abandon - still does today.

So, even though I was never really encouraged to exercise and was surrounded by sweets constantly which led to being overweight as a teenager and constantly picked on that I wasn't a twiggy like the rest I am going to try and change that trend. Everything in moderation. Love the body you have and learn to work with it. Physical activity is necessary for our growth physically and mentally.

Toddler exercises and activities. Today's FREE, Fun, Crafty Toddler activity.

Toddler exercises and activities. Today's FREE, Fun, Crafty Toddler activity.

I've been looking for ways to get my 3 year old off the couch and more active during times when I have to be working with my 6 year old's schoolwork. It can be hard at times to balance time between the two. The toddler activities in this article seem fun and really easy. I'm going to try them today.

Friday, February 17, 2012

K5 Learning Program Review Announcement

K5 Learning has an online reading and math program for kindergarten to grade 5 students. I've been given a 6 week free trial to test and write a review of their program. If you are a blogger, you may want to check out their open invitation to write an online learning review of their program.

My daughter is home schooled. We have found that online tools have really sped her interest and grasp of reading. She is reading at a third grade level already and almost finished with her 6th month of Kindergarten. I had tried to get her to read more before she started school, but I really didn't know what I was doing. She knew her alphabet and could write most if not all of the letters before she started. Up until the beginning of December I was still having to help her read the instructions on her worksheets. The school offered a new online reading program as part of the curriculum at the end of November. Since she has started this program it unlocked her reading potential exponentially. Not only is she reading, but she is reading at a level I did not imagine possible in just a few short months.

My hope is that K5 will offer more advanced selections and challenging programs that will push her forward during the 6 week trial.

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Blanket of White Falling From the Sky

Cookie and BonBon were so disappointed the other day because the snow that fell was so meager. BonBon especially was angry - she's at that age where everything is a catastrophe worthy of an all out meltdown. Well, today I think they will have nothing to complain about. It's snowing, and snowing, and snowing. Big, fluffy flakes of snow coating everything.

As for winter though the cold makes me sad I, like the girls, would rather see a blanket of bright white covering the dreary grayness left behind by the fall. Somehow I find it makes the long, cold, almost lonely winter more tolerable. Having little ones to enjoy the snow with you and remind you what it feels like to be a kid helps.

Once they wake from their nap I can only imagine their reaction will be pure jubilation seeing what is going on outside the walls of our warm little home. BonBon is probably going to run to her shoe box and pull out her snow boots without any thought about the fact that it's getting dark and it's VERY cold and windy. Tomorrow morning I'll probably take them outside for a little bit to play once the winds die down a bit. On the west side of the house we usually get massive drifts built up and if there is one they'll have a ball playing in there.

We'll have to take advantage of it soon because the weather is shifting for the end of the week. Temperatures near 50 and full sun are going to melt the winter wonderland away. Better for driving, but not so good for building snowmen.


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