
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Education Starts At Home, 12/18/13

Recycled Crafts Ideas For Kids: How To Build A Robot

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Homeschool Activities - Recycled crafts ideas for kids don't get much cooler than learning how to build a robot using junk.  And you'll see lots more cool ways to recycle, including ten kids activities that reuse plastic ...

Fran's World of Discovery: Sweet and Spicy Nuts

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Homeschoolers - Sweet and Spicy Nuts Sweet and Spicy Peanuts are a BIG favorite in my family. We often make large batches of them and gift them to family and friends.  I hope your family and friends enjoy them as ...

Rural Winners Dominate Race to the Top District Competition - Rural Education - Education Week

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Education Week - Five winners, including Houston Independent Schools, will share $120 million in the second Race to the Top district competition from the U.S. Department of Education, which again asked districts to...

'I'm Not a Math Person' Just Doesn't Add Up - Public Engagement & Ed Reform - Education Week

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Education Week - Guest blogger Debbie Wesslund is one of seven members of the Jefferson County Board of Education in Louisville, KY - a district of more than 100,000 students. She writes about how the community can...

In Teaching Algebra, the Not-So-Secret Way to Students’ Hearts

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Education Week - Education researchers are beginning to validate what many teachers have long known — connecting learning to student interests helps the information stick. This seems to work particularly well with ...

Monday, December 9, 2013

Education Starts At Home 12/9/13

Closing the Motivation Gap - Vander Ark on Innovation - Education Week

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Education Week - Now that the world's knowledge is widely and freely available, why are we still so largely uneducated? Why are there still big employment skill gaps? Why is civic knowledge so low? Why is the wealt...

Video Documentary: A Long Road Back to the 'Rez' - Education Week

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Education Week - A starkly beautiful place, the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation is home to the Oglala Lakota Nation where education for most remains a yet-to-be fulfilled promise for moving families out of profound p...

Lions, Tigers, and Mating Polar Bears, Oh My! 2nd Grade Researchers Writing to Read - Teaching for Triumph: Reflections of a 21st-Century ELL Teacher - Education Week Teacher

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Education Week - Kids understand what they create. With the Common Core shift toward informational text, it isn't enough for kids to read more nonfiction. They need to write research papers, manuals, advertisements...

Education Week Teacher: Community Forums

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Education Week - Let your voice be heard. Our discussion forums, open to all users with free registration, are intended to provide a space where readers can ask questions, share ideas and solutions, and engage in c...

Will the Common Core be the Rosetta Stone for Corporate Reform? - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

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Education Week -  In the year 1799, a French soldier discovered an ancient stone in Egypt that had been inscribed with a royal proclamation in the year 196 BC, in three languages; Ancient Greek, Demotic, and  Ancie...

See the whole paper here -


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